All three Huening Siblings reunite on Kep1er Huening Bahiyyih's graduation day

On February 8, 2023, after successfully completing her schooling at Lila Arts High School, Huening Bahiyyih graduated from the same, and quite a crowd came to express their support for her. TXT's Huening Kai, Kep1er Huening Bahiyyih, and Lea, the famous sibling trio, reunite on this day, along with many of their family members who came to watch Bahiyyih for this important event.

Reminiscing the sweet moments, the official Twitter account of Kep1er posted a series of photos with the caption,

"Lira school uniform is also the last ㅠㅠ The graduation ceremony was precious because we were together."

The three siblings shared many posts not only of normal selcas but also of them recreating old photos from their school days, naturally making fans swoon over their sweet bond. Moreover, given his current hectic schedule, fans found Huening Kai's presence at his sister's graduation to be very endearing as well.

TXT released their EP, The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION, on January 27, and as is customary for comebacks, K-pop idols are usually pressed for time to promote their album. Despite this, Kai came to watch his sister graduate and spent a lot of time with her throughout the day.

Fans swoon at the sweet bond between the Huening siblings during reunion at Huening Bahiyyih's graduation

While fans only saw the Huening siblings, specifically Huening Bahiyyih and Kai, interact on rare occasions such as interactions at music festivals and award shows or while doing Tik Tok challenges, they rejoiced at the more carefree and sweet interaction that arose from Bahiyyih's graduation day. Fans naturally couldn't stop talking about the numerous swoon-worthy images of the Huening Sibiling they saw that day.

Apart from their sweet bond, fans were mesmerized by the three siblings' visuals as well. Though it's no secret that both Huening Kai and Huening Bahiyyih are the visuals of their own group, TXT and Kep1er, respectively, seeing them together on Bahiyyih's graduation day cemented the fact that the Huening siblings carry the best genes along with their title as the "visual siblings."

Additionally, fans celebrated the first-ever selca release online of all three Huening siblings. With so many reasons to celebrate, fans naturally took to Twitter and other social media platforms to express their feelings about Huening Bahiyyih's graduation.

Fans congratulated and applauded Bahiyyih for her new accomplishment of graduating from the prestigious South Korean institution, Lila Arts High School. During her graduation speech, Huening Bahiyyih expressed how she felt that the three years she spent there went by pretty quickly and was upset about the fact that she wasn't able to create many memories. However, she added:

"Since they're my friends that I'll still meet in the future, I'll keep in touch and get aling with them. Also, thank you so much to all the teachers."

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Bahiyyih responded as follows:

"For me, I wanted to get my driver's license and I wanted to have a drink together with my members (unnies)."

She also shared that Kep1er is working on a Japan comeback that will be released soon. The 18-year-old artist wishes for fans to support the same and for them to also look forward to the group's other Korean album which will be rolling out soon as well.

With already a handful of content from Huening Bahiyyih's graduation, fans are further delighted with Kep1er's upcoming albums and are on the eager lookout for the same.

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