RGB and HEX conversions Calculator

RGB and HEX conversions Calculator MathCelebrity logo Image to Crop Given RGB = R:100, G:150B:230
Calculate hex code and hue.

Calculate Piece 1 of the Red portion:

Red Piece 1  =  Red - Red mod 16

Red Piece 1  =  100 - 100 mod 16

Check our modulus lesson
100 mod 16 = 4
Red Piece 1  =  100 - 4

Red Piece 1  =  96

Red Piece 1 = 6
In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 6 = 6

Calculate Piece 2 of the Red portion:

Red Piece 2 = Red mod 16
Red Piece 2 = 100 mod 16
Red Piece 2 = 4

In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 4 = 4

Calculate Piece 1 of the Green portion:

Green Piece 1  =  Green - Green mod 16

Green Piece 1  =  150 - 150 mod 16

Check our modulus lesson
150 mod 16 = 6
Green Piece 1  =  150 - 6

Green Piece 1  =  144

Green Piece 1 = 9
In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 9 = 9

Calculate Piece 2 of the Green portion:

Green Piece 2 = Green mod 16
Green Piece 2 = 150 mod 16
Green Piece 2 = 6

In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 6 = 6

Calculate Piece 1 of the Blue portion:

Blue Piece 1  =  Blue - Blue mod 16

Blue Piece 1  =  230 - 230 mod 16

Check our modulus lesson
230 mod 16 = 6
Blue Piece 1  =  230 - 6

Blue Piece 1  =  224

Blue Piece 1 = 14
In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 14 = E

Calculate Piece 2 of the Blue portion:

Blue Piece 2 = Blue mod 16
Blue Piece 2 = 230 mod 16
Blue Piece 2 = 6

In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 6 = 6

Our final RGB to HEX conversion is below:

R:100, G:150, B:230 → = 6 = 4 = 9 = 6 = E = 6

Calculate Hue for RGB = (100, 150, 230)

Since B > G > R, we are in the Cyan-Blue region and the formula is below:
h  =  60°(4B - 5(R) - G)
  B - R

h  =  60°(4(230) - 5(100) - 230)
  230 - 100

h  =  190

h = 1.4615384615385°

You have 1 free calculations remaining

What is the Answer?

h = 1.4615384615385°

How does the RGB and HEX conversions Calculator work?

Free RGB and HEX conversions Calculator - This converts HTML colors from RGB (Red, Green, Blue) to HEX and HEX to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) as well as calculate the Hue.
This calculator has 4 inputs.

What 4 concepts are covered in the RGB and HEX conversions Calculator?

conversiona number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or dividinghexadecimalBase 16 number systemrgban additive color model in which the red, green, and blue primary colors of light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors.rgb and hex conversions

Example calculations for the RGB and HEX conversions Calculator


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