Tamar Braxton shows off her gorgeous figure in the latest video that she shared on her social media account. She’s wearing a red outfit that totally compliments her figure as you will see below.
Somoene said: ‘Whoaaah mamma🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️!! I need someone to help me understand how someone can be so fineeee!!🥰🥰. Like a whole edible lunchable snack😋😋🔥🔥’
Another follower posted: ‘Listened to Love & War today. I cried. I danced. I sang. You are amazing, sister.’
Someone else wrote: ‘Girl the wig is lovely! However, you need to start growing out your own natural hair. And you need to grow a little blonde Afro and rock that for a minute.’
A fan gushed over Tamar and posted this: ‘Babyyyy yes mom me Braxton I love this look on you baby girl when you’re happy it shows.’
Somoene else said: ‘❤️Beautiful I’m glad you’re living and just not surviving you’re being you!! That’s right! I’m glad you freed your entire life 😇❤️’
One commenter posted: ‘don’t go to the real they just need views….they only got that Emmy cause the network just gave it to them …or it was based off when u were there.’
It was recently reported that David Adefeso, Tamar and her son Logan went to Nigeria recently.
More family members were there as well, and a few days ago, David decided to speak about this trip they had together as a family.
David managed to impress fans with a recent post about his mom’s birthday and the whole trip. He shared some new footage from their trip as well.