Tom Noonan, a renowned TV actor based in Connecticut, is projected to have a net worth of around $19 million by the year 2024. Having made significant contributions to the world of television, Noonan has established himself as a talented and versatile actor. With an extensive career spanning multiple successful TV shows, he has garnered immense popularity and critical acclaim. Alongside his acting prowess, Noonan's net worth is a testament to his professional achievements and entrepreneurial endeavors, securing him a prominent spot among the wealthiest individuals in the entertainment industry.
Actor whose 6'7 height makes him a perfect fit for villainous roles such as Francis Dollarhyde in Manhunter.
He appeared in the play, Buried Child.
He was in an episode of the dark comedy, Louie playing the role of a Doctor who takes a younger Louie on a journey.
He was previously married to Karen Young and they have two children together.
He played the role of Jackson McLaren in The Astronaut's Wife alongside Charlize Theron.